Boy scouts hiking in the middle of a forest.

You Are Not Alone

One of the most heart-breaking things we hear from our clients who were sexually abused when they were Boy Scouts is that they thought they were alone.  Until they saw a story on the news about others who were abused, they thought what happened to them happened for a reason. They tried to normalize or…

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Man signing paperwork with his boy scout sexual abuse attorney.

How Legal Fees Work In Boy Scout Abuse Cases

If you are a victim-survivor of sexual abuse at the hands of a Boy Scout volunteer or employee, you should not let worries about the cost of legal representation prevent you from seeking justice. Attorney Paul Mones takes all Boy Scout Abuse cases on a contingency fee basis, which means victim-survivors do not owe the…

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Gavel in courtroom, judge in background.

Why Working With An Experienced Attorney Matters

Much like doctors who specialize in a specific practice area, attorneys tend to focus on certain types of cases. The only type of case Paul Mones and the other attorneys in our office work on are childhood sexual abuse cases.  The Defender of the Indefensible  Paul’s commitment to, and compassion for, sexual abuse victims began…

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Man meeting with attorney to come forward about his story of sexual abuse.

Your Story Matters

Many former Boy Scouts who were sexually abused by a Scoutmaster or other BSA volunteer find it hard to talk about what happened to them. Even decades later, many still feel confusion and shame, especially if they previously shared their story with a parent or other loved one and were told to forget or ignore…

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Boy Scouts uniform and badges.

Reporting Highlights Importance Of BSA Bankruptcy

On February 18, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for bankruptcy. As the attorney responsible for winning the largest verdict ever against the BSA, Attorney Paul Mones has been interviewed by numerous members of the media about his experience suing the Boy Scouts, and the impact the BSA’s bankruptcy case will have on the…

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