The coronavirus pandemic has changed all of our lives. It has also impacted our nation’s court system. It is important victims of sexual abuse at the hands of Boy Scout leaders, employees, and volunteers are not forgotten as we struggle to adapt to our current reality.
When the Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy on February 18, 2020, few could imagine how quickly such an important story could be swept from the headlines. Now, Attorney Paul Mones is fighting to ensure that victims of abuse at the hands of the BSA do not miss out on their opportunity to seek compensation for the horrors they endured because the bankruptcy case is not proceeding at what would be considered the usual pace, and news organizations are devoting almost all of their coverage to COVID-19.
Justice Is Moving Slowly
Typical bankruptcy court operations, like all court operations around the nation, have been jettisoned as the judicial system struggles to figure out how to operate remotely. Cases are proceeding much more slowly than usual.
As a result of both the complexity of the Boy scout bankruptcy and the complicating factor of Covid 19, the BSA bankruptcy is proceeding and is expected to proceed slowly but it is critically important if you are a Boy Scout victim that you act as soon as possible to seek legal help to guide you through this process.
The bankruptcy court will be setting up a claims process for sexual abuse victims in the near future and most likely before the summer begins. Attorney Mones wants to make sure that victims are aware of the bankruptcy process because that process will include the setting of a bar date that victims may miss because we are all distracted by the coronavirus.
What Is A Bar Date?
The bar date is the date before which any victim of sexual abuse by a Boy Scout leader must come forward if they want to be considered for compensation. If a victim does not file a claim against the bankruptcy trust before the bar date, he will lose his ability to seek compensation in any other way.
When the bankruptcy court sets a bar date, it will apply to those Boy Scout victims who filed lawsuits before the Boy Scouts filed for bankruptcy, as well as those who had not yet come forward.
Victims need to pay close attention to the BSA bankruptcy so they do not miss their opportunity to file a claim. This is difficult when we have a global pandemic on our hands.
Your Source For Information
There is little news coverage of anything other than the COVID-19 crisis right now, so Attorney Mones is committed to providing the latest information on the BSA bankruptcy on this website. He and his team are also conducting virtual meetings with victims to help them prepare to file a claim when the bankruptcy court opens the claims process and sets a bar date.
If you are a victim, Attorney Paul Mones or one of the other attorneys on our team would be happy to talk with you about your case. It does not matter how long ago the abuse occurred, what state you lived in at the time the abuse occurred, or where you live now, we are here to help.