Jesus Jesse Dominguez

Jesus Jesse Dominguez
Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California
Jesus Jesse Dominguez

Father Jesus Jesse Dominguez

Jesus Dominguez was included on list of accused priests and religious released by the Los Angeles Archdiocese on 2/17/04. The list shows six accusers with 1973-88 as the time of incidents. He worked in San Bernardino diocese 1978-93 and was placed on leave. Jesus pled no contest in 2001 to misdemeanor child molestation and was laicized in 2000. Dominguez was charged in 2005 with abusing two boys in 1988-89 and then fled to Mexico before he could be arrested. Six men filed civil suits and he was on San Bernardino diocese’s list on 10/9/18. It shows diocese was aware in 1988 of abuse occurring 1983 and 1988.

If you or someone you love was sexually abused by a priest or someone else associated with the Catholic Church, please contact Paul and his team to learn about the new law and to ensure your rights are protected.

Approximate location where Jesus Jesse Dominguez served