Arwyn N. Diesta

Arwyn N. Diesta
Archdiocese of Los Angeles, California

Father Arwyn N. Diesta

Arwyn N. Diesta is an extern priest from the Philippines working in Archdiocese 1978-88 and later returned to the Philippines. He was accused in 1992 of abuse of several students 1982-88. Cardinal Mahony wrote in 1993 to Diesta’s Bishop in the Philippines and to the Vatican. In 2001, Mahony found him working as a U.S. Navy chaplain and at a seminary in the Philippines. Mahony wrote again to Vatican and also informed US Military, LA Police and authorities in Philippines. He is still an active priest there as of 2013. His L.A. personnel file was released January 2013.

If you or someone you love was sexually abused by a priest or someone else associated with the Catholic Church, please contact Paul and his team to learn about the new law and to ensure your rights are protected.

Approximate location where Arwyn N. Diesta served